My SIS - Attendance application
A step towards paperless data keeping for security guards.
This is a work project completed at Think Design Collaborative for their client, Security and Intelligence Services (SIS).
Why did SIS need the attendance app?
SIS is a leading security intelligence service provider in India. One of its many services is to provide security guards to its clients.
  • Attendance was recorded on paper, causing difficulty in managing and record keeping.
  • SIS struggled in tracking guard attendance due to a high number of clients and security guards.
Understanding Business
Understanding User Behaviour
Navigation Approaches
Concept Development
Visual Design and Prototyping
User Testing
& Feedbacks
Attendance tracking offers benefits to SIS, employees, and it’s clients. To optimize this process, we conducted interviews and discussions with board members to understand and prioritize our goals. Our key objectives include:
  • Improving Efficiency -
    Transitioning to a digital attendance process to automate client billing, calculate guards' salaries more accurately, and reduce accounting efforts, resulting in faster and streamlined operations.
  • Enhancing Transparency and Accuracy  in Attendance Tracking -
    Enable real-time monitoring, making it easier to track attendance, reduce errors and discrepancies, and ensure compliance with company policies.
  • Going Paperless -
    Eliminate the challenges and complexities of manual attendance tracking on paper, especially when dealing with a large workforce.
I once worked a twelve-hour shift and stayed for an additional six hours for overtime, only to find out that I was marked as absent simply because I took a brief five-minute break away from the site and the client became infuriated.
- Security Guard
I developed a complete understanding of user’s problems by interviewing 20 people including 10 Security Guards from different age groups, 5 officers of higher ranks, and other management staff who interact with them on a regular basis. The following challenges were identified.
  • No record of overtime.
  • Delayed salary payments.
  • Lack of an official platform to register complaints and grievances.
  • Challenges with obtaining new uniforms caused inconvenience for guards, including the need to physically register at the office, leading to potential absences or reports of improper dress
  • Inability to leave the work site in case of personal or family emergencies.
  • No personal attendance record, requiring them to sift through multiple registers to verify if their attendance has been correctly marked.
  • The on-duty guard has to work overtime when replacement guard is late.
  • Hard to apply for leaves.
  • Marked absent even if a second late.
  • Favouritism by supervisor towards a subset of guards.
After assessing the situation, we realized that the guards needed a comprehensive duty assistant to fulfill their responsibilities effectively.
uSERS - Guards
day in a life
In order to map out opportunities for solving problems, we first deep dive into a day in the user’s  life which he plans around his shifts. We also mapped out the areas of opportunity based on his daily routine.
Following is a day in the life of a Guard.
Users - gUARDS
key task
The primary task of the application is to assist guards in marking their attendance accurately.
Users - Supervisor
In addition to attendance management, we proposed supplementary processes to address the challenges and opportunities identified through discussions with at least 10 supervisors.
Check Duty
  • Each supervisor would manage around 150 to 200 guards (60 to 80 guards per shift).
  • Get profile details, unit and post details, status of each guard.
  • Mark status - Absconding, Regular, Leave, Terminated, Black-listed, Re-hired (replicated with HR system).
Plan Rosters
  • Roster for each unit (calendar). System will expose unproductive paid hours and help to optimise rosters.
  • Posting of guards according to skill criteria, maintenance of in-date skills
  • Get alerts on over-posting / under-posting for each unit, shift wise within defined time period.
  • Can take necessary action (remove manpower or send reinforcement).
  • System will also highlight posting of overqualified/expensive staff in junior posts.
  • Units will have ranks and rates defined as per client contract. Supervisor can modify these if there are any changes in contract.
  • Modify/Add/Delete posts in a unit.
  • Unit strength defined by system. Number of attendance beyond unit strength not allowed.
Having identified the following areas that could potentially hinder the efficient usability of this application, we faced the challenge of overcoming them through our design
Age group
10% Guards 60-70 years,
20% Guards 40-50 years
Older age groups may not be familiar with current terminology and may find many things that younger users are familiar with to be unfamiliar. For instance, during an A/B test, a security guard mistook the microphone icon for a lantern.
Technical Efficiency
5% Guards might not own a phone. 20% Guards might not own smart phones.
The company's goal is to equip all of its security guards with smartphones. Despite this, a portion of these users will be new to the technology. To accommodate these individuals, it is crucial that the application be intuitive and provide a seamless user experience.
Many guards have limited proficiency in reading and comprehending complete English sentences.
They speak native languages, but not everyone is able to read.
The low literacy levels in both their native language and English presented a challenge for us. However, we discovered that although they may not be able to read, they have the ability to learn quickly and retain even complex processes if they are intuitive enough.
Some guards have been with SIS for 30-40 years and may be resistant to a technical change in the attendance process.
They are used to the current method of marking their own attendance and, in case of emergencies, marking attendance for others, which they find easier. The app should include things that would motivate them to learn how to use it.
Navigational Concepts
A complete understanding of user’s problems by interviewing 15 people including 7 Security Guards from different age groups and 5 other officers of higher ranks and other management staff who interact with them on a regular basis.
Concept 1
Quick Links
Upfront icons for all task flows.

Information for ongoing duty.

Alarm feature to mark attendance on time by swiping.
Concept 2
Color Scan
Color association to easily find what user is looking for.

Information for ongoing duty on top drawer.

Dashboard style landing page with important information upfront
Concept Selection
Upon showing both the navigational concepts to the client and the user, we received feedbacks and reviews.
Users took a second to figure out where to click due to top navigation.

User was confident after finding the navigation bar.

Understood and focussed on numbers - Dates and time
User just scrolled and looked confused about where to click and what do with the detailed upfront information.

Multiple colours were not as intuitive and might add up to increase the learning curve for those who can’t read.
Take Away
Users are more comfortable with a traditional bottom navigation and  react intuitively toward normal call to action (CTA) buttons.
Design - Visual Concepts
A/B Testing
Two versions of the concepts designed based on our research were presented to users, and we conducted A/B testing to determine which one performed better. This test not only helped us identify the superior version but also confirmed that we were moving in the right direction.
Concept A
Number Based
Use terms which they are familiar with and can understand.

Highlighted the time.

They care the most about being on time and not loosing a day’s salary.

Intuitive buttons, tags and elements that smart phone users are familiar with.
Concept B
Illustration Based
More emphasis on illustrations that guards may relate to and help them browse through the app.

Consistent positioning of buttons in the cards so they know where the CTAs are.
A-B Testing Observations
Upon showing both the navigational concepts to the client and the user, we discovered the following.
Users understood and focussed on numbers - Dates and time.

Single highlighted button for attendance and highlighted numbers gave an intuitive experience and he completed the task.
Users misinterpreted illustrations and got confused.

Clicked on all the visible buttons out of curiosity.

Take Away
Users recognise digits more than illustrations.

They recognise the terms that the usually use at work like duty, shifts, leaves.

Business and users both found concept A  easier to understand
Interface and Features
Feature 1
Duty Reminder
To accommodate the requirement for guards to mark their attendance before their scheduled duty time, a thirty-minute window was established.

The guards will receive advance notifications for their duties through the app, ensuring that they do not forget to mark their attendance. The notification will appear as a full-screen prompt on the guard's mobile device.

They can either dismiss the screen or click on "Duty In" to mark their attendance.
Feature 2
Mark Attendance
Security guards will be able to mark their attendance and end their shift using their smartphones by scanning a location QR code and taking a selfie.

Their wages are dependent on their attendance, making this process important. Additionally, they have the option to mark their attendance using someone else's phone if necessary.
Feature 3
The guards will have access to a simplified monthly attendance overview, which will include color-coded tags to easily identify their attendance, leave, and extra duty.

This will promote transparency and eliminate any confusion regarding their wages.
Feature 4
Apply for Leaves
The app gives the guards the ability to submit leave requests for one or multiple days, for reasons such as illness, vacation, or emergencies.

This feature will assist the supervisors in planning the attendance roster by providing them with information about the guards' scheduled leaves.
Feature 5
The profile section displays badges earned by the guards for reaching different milestones.

It also displays their rating and the number of years they have worked with SIS.

The guards can submit requests to change their contact number or password, and they have a handy reference of the identity documents they have provided to SIS.
Feature 6
SIS aims to address the common concerns and complaints of guards through the Help Section.

The tour section helps the guards learn how to use the app.

Kit replacements are crucial for maintaining discipline, and the Annual Kit Replacement (AKR) feature informs guards of the due date for their next kit replacement.

It also allows guards to submit their badge logo.
Feature 7
My Task
The "My Task" section in the app helps supervisors keep track of duty attendance and ensure that the required strength is met for each shift.

They receive notifications if there is an incomplete attendance, allowing them to address any discrepancies in real-time.
Feature 8
Units and Roster Planning
Every supervisor will have the list of assigned units and its requirements.

Shift wise details for every unit can be viewed further.

Supervisors can easily plan the roster in advance with complete visibility of the schedule.

The Guards’ app will be in sync with these roster plans so that they are well informed about their duties.  
User Testing
Feedbacks and Observations
Individually tested the prototyped application with 10 guards.

User feedback on the attendance app gave us valuable insight into user comfort and satisfaction.

The feedback helped us identify and address any problem areas.

Users found the app intuitive and were able to easily navigate its features to complete the tasks.

They were happy about the various additional features of the app like applying for leave or downloading payslips.
A duty assistant
Post Launch - Version 2
Value Additions
Once the app was developed and launched, the business agreed to expand the scope and cater to the suggested additional features. Keeping user research and ease of use in mind, a dashboard version was created with added functionalities that were aesthetically closer to the brand.
Feature 1
Multiple Languages
A flexibility to pick their own language is important for the users.

Considering that users belong to almost every state across India, a country which has 22 official languages, we needed this feature to make this app more accessible.
Feature 2
Onboarding Screens
Onboarding screens were created to help the user get comfortable with the app and understand all the features that it will provide them.
Feature 3
Brand oriented UI and Dashboard
Users responded more intuitively to the colour red as it is the brand colour and the business need to make the application colours more oriented towards the brand.

The landing page was redesigned as a dashboard which would inform the users about all the updates.

While the first fold will still focus on his current and upcoming duties, on scroll the dashboard will act as an alternate starting point for all their journeys.
Results & Reviews
System drove accurate and consistent rostering of contracted scheduled hours, and resulted in a reduction in overtime.

System exposed unproductive paid hours, and simplified the process of optimising rosters to remove them.

System highlighted posting of overqualified/ expensive staff in junior posts.

Online attendance system enabled consolidation of scheduling function across the business and a reduction in the number of scheduling and despatch staff.

System reduced cost and increased accuracy of hours input.
System improved visibility of contract profitability allowing better delivery of planned margins, and more scientific portfolio management

System provided a full audit trail from contract to schedule to actual to bill and payroll, with a reduction in errors at each stage.

More accurate posting of guards according to skill criteria, better maintenance of in-date skills, better audit trail of postings

Improved service quality and transparency provided differentiation and added value for the customer.

Faster and accurate invoicing resulting in faster collection of payments.
Let's Work!