Culinda Pulse
A simplified analytical dashboard to visualize medical devices’ real time report.

This is a work project completed at Think Design Collaborative  for Culinda.
Understanding Business
Culinda Pulse is a blockchain integrated loT/IOMT security product that provides a comprehensive view of all medical devices on a network.

It is used by administrators and analysts concerned with risk monitoring, threat mining, investigations, and response for medical devices.

We were approached by Culinda to help simplify the existing analytical dashboards and design new ones to visualize real-time data.

This design intervention involved examining the product's information architecture, dashboards, and widgets.

This solution ensures the easy management and protection of medical devices, which is crucial in mitigating risks associated with the vulnerability of these devices.
This project was completed in two phases -
1. Phase 1 was proof of concept (POC), where we created a high fidelity wireframe of the home page.

2. Once POC was approved, we moved on to Phase 2  which involved complete redesign of the Culinda Pulse website.

Understanding, prioritizing and organising the data sets into relevant dashboards.

Defining the information architecture and product navigation.

Visualizing the real-time data with relevant charts.

Creating workflows to enable entity management.

Creating alternate and innovative data visualizations for data sets of similar nature to break UI monotony. This required deviating from a component-based development approach but it was deemed essential to maintain user engagement, given the context of the product.
Designing the Structure
Information Architecture
After analyzing the current product and understanding the intended product, an information architecture was designed collaboratively with the client.
Information Architecture
The information architecture defined the primary menu for the new design and categorization of complex data sets under different logical groups, to make it easier for users to locate and interpret relevant information.
Data Analysis
The data sets for each widget were analyzed to understand the use cases and actions required.  Relevant visualizations were suggested as per the user requirements, and the actions and drill down operations to be performed on the data.
Data Visualization
Relevant charts were suggested as sketches and wireframes to detail out the visualization for the primary data set as well as for drill down versions.

The wireframes were also used to communicate the API requirements to the backend team, to give them a head start for development of functionalities.
Data Visualization
The finalised visualizations and functionalities were delineated in the desired UI style. This UI style had been finalised through a UI concept exploration during the phase 1.
Designing Components
Feature 1
Customizable Widgets
Each dashboard was designed to accommodate modular widgets which allow for filtering and drill down within the context of the dashboard.

These widgets can be rearranged on the dashboard as per the preference of the user.
Feature 2
Alternate Views
The widgets are also interchangeable between a graphical view and a tabular view to allow for deeper analysis.

During drill down operations, widgets automatically assume the view that facilitates best data comprehension.

The widgets can be expanded to a full screen mode to accommodate larger data set.

In certain dashboards, the entire dashboard is interchangeable between a card or a list view, with the list view providing additional details.
Feature 3
Interactive Charts and Details
Hovering on a data marker reveals tooltips with further detailed information. Interactive graphs allow the user to perform actions like choosing a data marker to display more contextual information.
Feature 4
Filtering and Sorting
Each widget has the flexibility to narrow down high volumes of data and drill-down to the most relevant information using local (widget-level) as well as global filtering and sorting features.
Feature 5
Management Workflow
Apart from the dashboards, workflows were also designed to aid in the management and addition of devices, users, inventory, and work orders.
Feature 5.1 - Management and Add Devices
Feature 5.2 - Management and Add Users
Feature 5.3 - Manage Inventory
Feature 5.3 - Add Inventory
Feature 5.4 - Work Order
Feature 5.4 - Work Order
Value Addition
Chart Variation
Due to multiple instances of similar data sets being present in the same dashboard, variations of same chart types were done to prevent visual monotony.This was to ensure that there is some visual variation among the widgets for end user engagement and interest.
Chart Variation
Additionally, a light theme was also designed to allow users to change the UI as per their personal preference.
Let's Work!