Redesigning Ramco
Enhancing employee onboarding journey.

This is a work project completed at Think Design Collaborative  for Ramco.
The brief
This project involved redesigning the onboarding journey of employees in this ERP software.

The employee onboarding process can be a tedious task due to the large amount of data that needs to be recorded.

If the user journey is confusing, it can be frustrating to enter/upload and manage employee records, including personal information, salary and payment information, education, and work information.

The vision required us to rethink and enhance how the user navigates through the journey.
We want to envision an onboarding journey that reflects the possibility for
softwares like Ramco to have a visually pleasing and a smoother experience.
-Ramco’s Product Manager
IDentifying Problems
Our target users are companies that need to manage large businesses and databases of their employees, clients, etc. and other management staff who interact with them regularly. We closely analyzed the current interface and onboarding journey to understand the current experience and the problems users face. We also informally gathered user reviews to identify frustration points.
During our consultation with the client, we reviewed two ERP software systems that they regarded as benchmarks.
1. Oracle
2. Sage 300
The interfaces of these competitor software were clean and uncluttered, as per the screens that we were able to view. Although we couldn't personally experience these software or conduct direct interviews with their users, we went through user reviews that we found on various websites.
Key Take Aways
Navigating through these complex software should be simple and intuitive.

Information and touchpoints should have a clear distinction, and information hierarchy is a must.

Data tables, reports, and records should be customizable.

Users prefer a fresher and less cluttered interface.

Many of these software do not have fully functional mobile versions, which is a drawback for users.

Inputting, searching, analyzing, and exporting data should be customizable and effortless, with an ability to dive in and efficiently complete the tasks.
‍Users are frustrated with the time and effort they have to put into learning ERP software.
Pain points
Interface & experience
Our Feedback
Inadequate use of space.

No task completion message leaves ambiguity in the user’s mind.

The information is redundant, and user has to manually enter all the information repeatedly, which is exhausting.

The input fields are not long enough to accomodate the input. Example: name, comments

Pop-up actions take time, and re-entering all the data can be frustrating for users.

The visual hierarchy needs improvement.

The form is lengthy and tedious, and the user cannot skip or save their progress.

The lack of progress information leaves the users with no estimate of completion time.

There is currently a steep learning curve, which can be frustrating for someone who is new to the software.
Our Suggestions
Proper layouts and the use of grid systems can make forms look less cluttered and more systematic.

Provide an action - reaction experience. For example, if a user clicks on "complete task", they should get a notification that the task has been completed.

Enable easy switching between single employee and bulk upload options, allowing users to import multiple Excel reports or export them from the software.

Introduce autocomplete and autofill text boxes, advanced searches, drop down selection menus, and type ahead text boxes.

Reduce overall transaction times.

Implement completion status/progress bars to help users track their journey completion progress.

Input fields with longer text should have auto height and width, or users should be able to scroll within the fields.

Work on improving the visual hierarchy of the software.

Make the software more mobile-friendly.
User Flow
Our target users are companies that need to manage large businesses and databases of employees, clients, and other management staff who interact with them regularly. We closely analyzed the current interface and onboarding journey to understand the user experience and the problems they face. Additionally, we informally gathered user reviews to identify frustration points
UX Foundation
Our target users are the companies who need to manage large businesses and large database of their employees, clients etc.other management staff who interact with them on a regular basis. Current interface and onboarding journey was closely analysed to understand the current experience and the problems users face. Few user reviews were informally gathered to know the frustration points from the user as well.
Navigational Concepts
The most common user experience pain point in ERP software is difficulty navigating through the workflows.

To address this, we created three navigation concepts and their wireframes, which we presented to the client to help them understand how navigation could enhance the user journey.

Based on the client's feedback, we developed two additional navigation concepts
Sticky Left Navigation
Forms and Data Tables Wireframe
Due to multiple instances of similar data sets being present in the same dashboard, variations of same chart types were done to prevent visual monotony. This was to ensure that there is some visual variation among the widgets for end user engagement and interest.
Data Tables
Image 1 - Current Data Table Format
We analysed Ramco’s current data table and found that there is inefficient use of space which leaves empty space and hard to locate information. Summary of the table is placed on top which is makes it ambiguous for a first time user. There are many icons with no labels which makes it difficult to understand. There is no option to edit the rows individually.

Image 2 - Suggested Data Table Format:
We presented a clean UI, which was easy to understand and included identifiable action icons.
Tabular Navigation
Forms and Data Tables Wireframe
Having a sticky left navigation gives user the flexibility of changing the modules at any time. The user wouldn't have to scroll all the way to the top to change it or to know where they are.
Data Tables
Suggested data tables format:
Easy to understand, Clean UI, Identifiable action icons, upfront floating recompute icon
Sticky Left Navigation + Categories
Forms and Data Tables Wireframe
Having a sticky left navigation gives user the flexibility of changing the modules at any time. The user wouldn't have to scroll all the way to the top to change it or to know where they are.
Data Tables
Suggested data tables format:
Easy to understand, Clean UI, Identifiable action icons, upfront floating recompute icon
Sticky Left Navigation + Categories
Forms and Data Tables Wireframe
Once all the above concepts were presented to the client, we created a single concept that combined the features which the client approved or liked in them in the them. We also presented an employee dashboard redesigned to show the starting point of employee onboarding journey.
Focussed and Guided Journey
Forms and Data Tables Wireframe
Once all the above concepts were presented to the client, we created a single concept that combined the features which the client approved or liked in them in the them. We also presented an employee dashboard redesigned to show the starting point of employee onboarding journey.
Interface Design
Employee Dashboard
Focussed and guided journey
Form Segregated in logical categories and sub-categories
Breadcrumbs to let users know where they are coming from.
Fixed bottom bar increases the accessibility of most used button while doing the creation task.
Easy pull down menu component to change the main categories at any time.
Success/error states
Success/error states
Success/error states
Progress bars for each section
Quick actions on the dashboard
Version History
Let's Work!